Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Yogi

Today in class, Swami Kaivalyanandaji explained the 26th shloka of the 5th chapter, in the Gita. This is 'yontarsukhontararama..' Whoever finds inner happiness, who delights within, whose finds inner light, he is a Yogi, he attains the Nirvana of Brahman, and himself becomes Brahman.'

Actually, we only discussed in the whole class the first word, 'antahsukha,' he who has inner happiness. Swami gave some beautiful illustrations of this. One, is a small flower. An ordinary person may ignore it, but the Rishi sees the purity and beauty within that. This is because he transcends the physical object, and becomes connected to the Creator.

Also, we normally say that we become absorbed in music. This is actually a state of self-forgetfulness. This is not a state of Self-absorption, or Atma nirvritti.

The mind of the Yogi is itself the instrument, the Vina, through which the music of the Self continuously streams forth. This isn't from the connection of the sense object of sound, but within.

Also, Swami gave an illustration. Two birds, the birds of intellect and logic, fly to the sun, the sun of discrimination. Reaching the sun, their wings are burned, so they fall into the ocean of bliss. Then they become one with that.
Nov. 5, 2006

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