Thursday, October 19, 2006


Today Swami Kaivalyanandaji discussed the significance of chanting the 24th shloka of the 4th chapter of the Gita before eating. This is 'brahmarpanam...'

For the karma yogi, all actions are Yoga. This shloka is connected with the 31st shloka, 'yanti brahma sanatanam,' those who eat the remains of the sacrifice, which is amrita, go to the eternal Brahman.'

For the karma yogi, even eating is part of karma yoga. All beings must eat food, but for the Karma yogi this even becomes amrita, because he eats for the sustenance of the body, to perform karma yoga.

A sadhak eats not only for a healthy body, but a healthy mind, for mental purity. Thus, there are strict rules related to food.

Related to this shloka also, there is external fire, Agni, and internal fire. This is called Vaishvanara, the Lord as the digestive fire.

Thirst and hunger are both actions of prana. The most primary action of prana is hunger, because everyone must eat.

To create the remembrance of God even in this is why we chant the mantra. Thus, the life of the karma yogi itself becomes the remains of sacrifice, 'amrita.' While alive, he is liberated.

It is said that Brahma created the world along with 'yagna.' This doesn't just refer to external sacrifice. This means the constant process of sacrifice in nature, in the body, the sacrifice of tapas, etc.

Piyush, USA
19 Oct 06

1 comment:

Sujatha said...

Thanks for the daily Gita tidbits. With your commentary we get to attend daily Gita classes too! At home we say this prayer everyday at meal time and it is good to understand the significance.
